Thinking Through Making

Sound Image Culture

© Nicolas Gourault (Their Eyes)

A workspace where Artists,
Filmmakers and Anthropologists
can find support to realise their projects.

A nomadic platform in Brussels for the development of unique audiovisual projects at the intersection of film, art and visual anthropology. An open laboratory: SIC offers a year-long working process to develop your film project.

Collective sessions, individual mentoring, masterclasses and workshops to encourage reflection on aesthetic and ethical choices and the development of new artistic approaches.


We are extremely happy and honoured to tell you that Nicolas Gourault’s SIC project, called Their Eyes, will have its world premiere in competition at the Berlinale Shorts 2025.
More information here and here.
Here is the pitch : ” How does a machine learn to read the world? Testimonies and screen recordings introduce the experience of online micro-workers from the Global South: their job is to teach the AI of self-driving cars to navigate the streets of the Global North. “
The film is produced by Don Quichotte Films and distributed by Square Eyes.
Their Eyes  benefited from the SoundImageCulture program for the development.

Films in Development
