
    Ôte-toi de mon soleil

    Directed by Messaline Raverdy
    Screening Wednesday 20 November 2024 at 19:00
    Centre Bruegel

    Joseph cannot live at his own place anymore. For many years, he has travelled around the city with his trolley to gather tons of miscellaneous papers and objects of all kinds, thus filling his flat with labyrinthine chaos. He is said to have “the Diogenes syndrome”. He is gifted with vertiginous erudition and witty humour. The director help him unclog his home. One friendship is forming.

    Documentary ⎥ 2023 ⎥ 50’⎥ DCP · color · 5.1⎥ Belgium

    The screening will be followed by a Q&A with Messaline Raverdy (director)


    written, photographed and directed by  Messaline Raverdy
    with  Joseph Rosenzweig · Clément Losson · Didier Sossou · Samuel Dekegel Raverdy · Ada Raverdy Doigny
    additional images  Thomas Schira · Sylvain Dufayard · Olivier Dekegel
    additional sounds  Lancelot Hervé-Mignucci · Laszlo Umbreit · Stéphanie Thomas
    editing  Effi Weiss · Pauline Piris-Nury · Ivanne De Cannart · Julien Contreau
    sound editing  Lancelot Hervé-Mignucci
    sound mixing  Emmanuel De Boissieu
    colour grading  Pierre-Louis Cassou
    production  Julien Contreau · Javier Packer-Comyn · Stefanie Bodien · Serge Kestemont

    produced by  Matière Première · CBA – Centre de l’Audiovisuel à Bruxelles · GSARA · Luna Blue Film · Shelter Prod
    with the support of  Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – FilmLab · Service public francophone bruxellois · – ING · Tax Shelter du gouvernement fédéral de Belgique · SIC – SoundImageCulture


    Practical Information

    Date: Wednesday 20 November 2024
    Time: 19:00
    Duration: screening 50 minutes + Q&A with the director
    Free entrance (no booking needed)