
    Production Workshop with Alice Lemaire

    Friday 3 February 2023
    by Alice Lemaire (Michigan Films)

    About this workshop

    Producing independent films from a producer point of view:
    What is it like? What are the realities of a producer? When should I sign my contract and what to argue on? Is he / she over-making profit on my project? What is a fair percentage? How to chose the right producer? How not end up hating each other? Can I trust him / her? Sharing experiences and thoughts about the crucial relationship between producer and director, in order to make great films together.

    About Alice Lemaire

    After studying in Paris, Alice Lemaire settled in Brussels to devote herself entirely to cinema. She worked for Wallonie-Bruxelles Images for two years promoting and exporting Belgian French-speaking films abroad. Today, she works mainly as a producer for Michigan Films and develops singular documentary and experimental projects. She has accompanied numerous films selected in international festivals: “Qui es-tu Octobre ?” by Julie Jaroszewski (Visions du Réel), “Une fille de Ouessant” by Eléonore Saintagnan (Silver Sesterce at Visions du Réel), “D’un château l’autre” by Emmanuel Marre (Pardino d’Oro in Locarno).