

by Sander Moyson


“Crossroads” is a speculative documentary film that explores the intersection of two journeys. Ella, mourning her father’s sudden death, seeks to help his spirit cross over into the afterlife. The filmmaker, while witnessing Ella’s intimate journey with her father’s spirit, embarks on a philosophical and audiovisual quest at the crossroads of image and sound. “Crossroads” delves into the interconnectedness of beings and worlds, offering an ethnographic film poem, a journey of discovery, and an exploration of life, death, cinema, and the uncharted spaces in between.


Sander Moyson (°1994, Brussels) is a filmmaker and Sociology student. His audiovisual and sociological research converges at the crossroads of the New French Pragmatism of Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers & Vinciane Despret, and new forms of experimental, speculative documentary filmmaking. He works as a Digital Media manager at argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels.