The rat and the robot 

The rat and the robot 

by Géraldine Py and Roberto Verde


This film is an immersion in the city of rats, an ethological and exploratory investigation where inspection robots will be dispatched to go into the sewers, attempting to approach this little-known society because it is discreet and very well organized.
It is a daring epic in the mazes of its damp and dark habitat, in the depths of the sewers, a sprawling human architecture, paradoxically hostile and dangerous sometimes.
Officially, the city of Brussels has 1 million 200,000 inhabitants registered in the civil status register. Underground, nearly 2 millions more are recorded. This massive population resides beneath our feet. Although rats are considered as parasites, they are a main condition for disposal of waste, necessary for the proper functioning of modern cities.


Duration: 50min
Production: Cobra Films (Be, Les Volcans (Fr)
A film developed in the framework of SoundImageCulture.


Aide à l’écriture pour un documentaire de création, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, 2023
Aide à projet pour une oeuvre audiovisuelle, Centre National des arts plastiques, France, 2023
Aide à l’écriture GSARA, 2022
Résidence Atelier Graphoui, 2022-2023
Prix Agnès pour l’imaginaire égalitaire, Festival en ville!, 2022
